Complaint-handling process for: National Bank of Canada

Step 1) Contact the Customer Service Manager at your branch.

You can also call a TelNat Customer Service Representative at 1-888-483-5628 (1-888-4-TELNAT) to obtain explanations about your banking transactions or make inquiries.

Step 2) If you are not satisfied with the outcome at this point, you can communicate with the Client Complaint Appeals Office at:

Client Complaint Appeals Office
Telephone: 514-394-8655 or 1-888-300-9004
E-mail address:

Third-party complaint-handling process for this institution:

Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)

20 Queen Street West, Suite 2400
P.O. Box 8
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3R3

Toll free telephone: 1-888-451-4519
Toll free fax: 1-888-422-2865
Teletypewriter (TTY): 1-844-358-3442
Toronto area telephone: 416-287-2877
Toronto area fax: 416-225-4722
Web site:

FCAC makes every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the material placed on its Web site. If you find any information that is no longer valid, please contact us.

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