The CBA is a proud sponsor of ABC Life Literacy's Internet Matters program. ABC Internet Matters empowers Canadians who aren’t comfortable using the internet with the knowledge they need to get started. The program consists of a free workbook and downloadable resources to help new internet users learn how to use the internet. With ABC Internet Matters, adult and senior Canadians will develop a basic understanding of what the internet is, how to access it, and how to stay safe online.
Topics: Banking, Covid-19, Fraud, General finance topics Language(s): English French
Fee: Free Type: A book / workbook / worksheet / glossary A DVD / podcast / video / presentation A publication / tip sheet / brochure A website An app / game / quiz An educational program
Format: Online Print / PDF
| Target audience: Newcomers Parents Seniors The general public
Knowledge level: Introductory
Related events: 6 Life event: Any situation Resources specific to Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon
| Canadian Bankers Association Contact: ABC Life Literacy Canada 416-218-0010
Volunteers accepted: No |