Lending a Hand engages youth in learning about co-operative business models, lending and micro-finance within a green economy — specifically about how making small loans to aspiring entrepreneurs in developing countries can help create sustainable, resilient communities. Students connect to experts and become lenders as they select borrowers from around the world and witness the impact of their lending activities. Lending a Hand offers students an authentic opportunity to engage with business and academic leaders in sustainable economics. The module comes complete with a detailed teacher's guide and free lesson plans that are curriculum-linked, based on current and emerging teaching methods.
Topics: Banking, Budgeting and money management, Credit and debt management, Saving and investing Language(s): English
Fee: Free Type: Book / workbook / worksheet / glossary Educational program Website
Format: Online Print / PDF
| Target audience: Educators Students
Knowledge level: Introductory
Related events: Life event: Resources specific to Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon
| GreenLearning Contact: Jamila Kyari 1-800-507-5704
Volunteers accepted: Yes |