Canadian Financial Literacy Database Canadian Financial Literacy Database

From Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

This database is your one-stop source for information on budgeting, saving, investing, fraud prevention and more.
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This database is your one-stop source for information on budgeting, saving, investing, fraud prevention and more.
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867  record(s) found
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10 tips to protect your nest egg

As an older individual you are a target for scam artists. They prey on the perceived vulnerability of seniors and try separate you from the money, investments and assets that took you a lifetime to accumulate. You can help yourself avoid becoming a victim by following 10 self-defense tips...

Topics: Budgeting and money management, Financial planning, Fraud, General, Retirement and pensions, Saving and investing

Target audience: General public, Seniors

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Alberta Securities Commission

Jillian Schaal
(403) 355-4152

2014 Public Opinion Research to Assist in Understanding Stakeholder Knowledge and Perceptions of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

This report presents the findings from a survey of FCAC’s stakeholders, the purpose of which was to understand stakeholder knowledge and perceptions of FCAC; obtain their feedback about various aspects of the organization’s activities in order to improve various elements of its programs and...

Topics: General finance topics

Target audience: The general public

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Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

2021 Tax Planning Resource Kit

A tax planning bundle designed to help you get organized for tax season: What's Included: •Tax Slip Checklist •2021 Tax Season Cheatsheet •Capital Gains Calculation Worksheet •Resource links for rental and small business schedules

Topics: Taxes

Target audience: The general public

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Retirement in View

2022 Budget Submission

A plan is needed to ensure that vulnerable people are not made to repay unmanageable CERB/CRB debts, to pay back the income people lost when their refundable tax benefits were clawed back because of CERB, and to guarantee that CRB and CWLB are not clawed back from refundable tax credit payments in...

Topics: Banking, Budgeting and money management, Covid-19, Credit and debt management, Financial planning, Fraud, General finance topics, Insurance, Mortgages and loans, Retirement and pensions, Rights and responsibilities, Saving and investing, Taxes

Target audience: Educators, Employees, Entrepreneurs, Indigenous peoples, Newcomers, Parents, Persons with disabilities, Persons with low income, Seniors, Students, The general public, The unemployed / underemployed, Women, Young adults, Youth / youth at risk

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Prosper Canada

5 Mistakes Not to Make When in Debt

Our latest animated short film focused on highlighting the 5 most common mistakes people make when they find themselves in debt.

Topics: Credit and debt management

Target audience: General public

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Sands & Associates

A Benefit without Barriers: Co-Creating Principles and Recommendations for Canada Disability Benefit Administration

March of Dimes Canada and Prosper Canada partnered to explore the question of how people with disabilities will access the CDB, with the goal of dismantling barriers to ensure all eligible individuals receive it. Our report outlines principles and recommendations we encourage the federal government...

Topics: General finance topics

Target audience: Persons with disabilities

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Prosper Canada

A Budget: a Smart Tool for Your Projects!

Putting money aside: it starts now! Even if it's a small amount that you put aside every week, you'll see! It could help you realize your wildest dreams! Watch this short video to learn more.

Topics: Budgeting and money management

Target audience: Educators, Students, Young adults, Youth / youth at risk

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AMF Quebec

A Canadian’s guide to money-smart living

This EIFLE (Excellence in Financial Literacy Education) Award-winning guide will help you make money management a part of your daily life with easy action steps and self-assessment checklists.

Topics: Budgeting and money management

Target audience: The general public

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Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada

CPA Canada
1 (800) 268-3793

A Canadian’s Guide to Money-Smart Living

E.I.F.L.E. (Excellence in Financial Literacy Education) Award Winner! A Canadian’s Guide to Money-Smart Living will help you understand how to live money-smart and provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to take control of your financial future.

Topics: Budgeting and money management, Credit and debt management, Financial planning, General, Saving and investing

Target audience: Educators, General public, Newcomers, Parents, Persons with low income, Students, Unemployed / underemployed, Women, Young adults

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Kelley Keehn

A final report on the two-year Financial Empowerment and Problem Solving Program

The Financial Empowerment and Problem Solving (FEPS) program enables Ontarians living on low incomes to improve their financial situation in the short term by accessing government income transfers, and in the medium term by building their capacity for financial security. To achieve...

Topics: Financial planning

Target audience: General public

See complete resource details

Prosper Canada

Wendy Abbott-Serroul
416-665-2828 ext 2226

867 record(s) found
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