7.6.1 Your investment planning worksheet

This worksheet will help you work through information you need to prepare an estimate and check it later.

Household net worth

Items Me Spouse Total
Household total assets
Household total liabilities
Household net worth (total assets minus total liabilities) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Household income and expenses

Items Me Spouse Total
Total household monthly income
Total household monthly expenses
Net household monthly surplus or shortfall $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

My financial objectives

Objective Estimated cost When needed

My financial situation

My household income stream is:

How likely is it I will have to withdraw a significant amount of my investment before the times estimated for my investment goals?

For my overall investment portfolio, the largest decline in value (even if it was temporary) that I would ever be prepared to accept is:

My priorities when investing are:

Items Very important Fairly important Not a priority
Preserving my capital:
Earning a regular income:
Having the value of my investments grow over time:
Speculating in high-risk, high-return ventures:

I don’t know 6–8% 12–15%
3–5% 9–11% more than 15%
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