6.2.3 How much life insurance you need

Experts generally recommend purchasing life insurance coverage worth 7 to 10 times your annual salary in order to protect your family. For a more precise figure, talk to a financial planner, insurance agent or insurance broker to determine how much and what type of life insurance is best for you.

Use this calculator to get a rough estimate of the amount you will need.

How much life insurance do I need?

Item Estimated amount
A. Costs at death $0.00
B. Debts and other expenses $0.00
C. Assets $0.00
D. Annual living expenses $0.00
E. Annual income $0.00
Total costs (A + B + [D X F]) $0.00
Total income and assets (C + [E X F]) $0.00
Amount of life insurance coverage needed (difference between total costs and total income) $0.00

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