1.1.3 Test how you make spending decisions

Most of us think we make spending decisions based on rational factors like need, price and budget - and we do. But we are also influenced by many other factors, such as advertising, impulses and what our friends and family buy.

How do you make spending decisions quiz

Answer these questions to find out how you make financial decisions.

1. How much do you agree with the following statement? "Spending makes me feel good. The more I spend, the better I feel. Spending relieves stress in my life." (required)
2. Which statement is most like you? (required)
3. Which statement is most like you? (required)
4. How much do you agree with the following statement? "If people I know have a new, popular item, I want to have it too." (required)
5. When you make a big purchase, you usually... (required)
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