From Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
The buy or rent calculator from the Autorité des marchés financiers cannot compute the key factors for many homeowners—the intangible values attached to owning your own home.
Use the chart below to mark how important each factor is to you. Give a score for each item depending on whether you think renting or owning is negative, positive or neutral for you.
Score each item as negative (–1), neutral (0) or positive (+1) for you as an owner or renter.
Download the interactive PDF and add it to your Financial Toolkit [PDF - 213KB]
Your total score is not the final answer to whether you should rent or own, but the chart offers a way to think about how important some of the factors are to you. While the financial calculations are an important factor in any decision to own a home or not, many people will find that the emotions and values they place on owning or renting determine their choices. If you decide to buy your home, this module will help you ensure that the mortgage you select is the best one for your needs. If you choose to rent and invest your savings, the Investing module will help you understand the basics of investing.